志工招募:中華照生黨 國際事務委員會:中英日文簡介

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台灣 第四勢力 關鍵少數黨 - 中華照生黨

中華照生黨,是一個在台灣已有10年黨齡的慈善政黨,有別於台灣一般的政黨,他們政黨不收政治獻金,不談政治顏色,只談照顧生命,期望能以「政黨力量」完成慈善夢想,中華照生黨 黨主席 董冠富先生,深信「慈善化」、「國際化」可以使他們成為台灣國內重要的 第四勢力 關鍵少數黨。

現任,黨主席 董冠富先生,具有15年以上慈善的經驗,立法首創了全亞洲唯一政府立案的特種車輛『動物救援車』,也促使台灣政府這二十年來對待貓狗生命的尊重及動物福利上跨出了一大步,陸續首創成立『 貓狗119 』、『 貓狗巡迴結紮車 』、『 月華護生狗場 』、『 全愛素食狗場 』、『 貓狗捐血中心 』、『 照生食物銀行 』、『 虛擬慈善貨幣 - 照生幣、亞恆幣 』再到創辦『 中華照生黨』。

108.07.25. 董冠富先生,接任黨主席,希望該黨能落實「提倡動物權、護軍警福利、關懷新原民、促兩岸交流」四大黨魂,並於,接任黨主席二個月後,中華照生黨,成立了四大委員會:國際事務委員會、動物福利委員會、新原民福利委員會、軍警福利委員會,就是期望「中華照生黨」能首創台灣政黨,一個真心願意為動物福利、軍警福利、新住民福利與原住民福利,四大弱勢族群來發聲的第四勢力「 慈善政黨」。


董冠富先生,更加首創「中華照生黨」黨費,是可以用四種 虛擬貨幣 來支付政黨黨費的哦 ( 比特幣、乙太幣、照生幣、亞恆幣 ) ,您也認同,他們慈善政黨不收政治獻金,不談政治顏色、只談照顧生命理念,請用 捐款來支持他們 的 慈善夢想,也歡迎認同他們慈善政黨理念,共同入黨為「慈善」而努力吧。

郵 政 劃 撥:5016 7097 ,戶名:社團法人臺北市照顧生命協會

ATM 帳號:012,帳號:6701 – 0201 – 1860,台北富邦銀行,景美分行


照生聯盟總部 電話:(02) 2932 – 2236 傳真:(02) 2933 – 6967
照生聯盟總部 會址:117 台北市 文山區 羅斯福路 五段 39 號

中華照生黨:http://www.lco.org.tw/modules/news/in ... rytopic=3&storynum=30


The China Life Companion Party is a political party that has been established in Taiwan for 10 years. It is different from the ordinary political party in Taiwan, it does not accept political contributions, does not talk about political tendencies, only cares about life, and expects to use the power of the political parties to complete the dream of doing charity. Mr. TUNG  KUAN  FU , the party chairman of the China Life Companion Party, is convinced that "charity" and "internationalization" can make them the important fourth party in Taiwan.

The current party chairman, Mr. TUNG  KUAN  FU , has more than 15 years of experience in charity. He has pioneered the only government-licensed special vehicle "animal rescue vehicle" in Asia, and has also urged the Taiwanese government to respect the lives of cats and dogs for the past two decades, also took a big step in animal welfare, and successively created the “119 for pets", "Touring Ligation Cars for Pets", "Yuehua Nursing Dog Farm", "All Love Vegetarian Dog Farm", "Blood Donation for Pets" Center, "Shengsheng Food Bank", "Virtual Charity Money - Zhaosheng Coin, Yaheng Coin" and then "China Life Companion Party”.

On July 25, 2019, Mr. TUNG  KUAN  FU  took over as the party chairman and hoped that the party could implement the four party spirits of "promoting animal rights, protecting military and police welfare, caring for new residents, and promoting cross-strait exchanges." Two months after taking over the chairmanship position, the China Life Companion Party established four committees: the International Affairs Committee, the Animal Welfare Committee, the Residents Welfare Committee, and the Military Welfare Committee. The purpose is to expect that the China Life Companion Party to be the fourth powerful political party, also being a charity party that is sincerely willing to pay attention to the four vulnerable groups, which includes: “Animal Welfare, Military Welfare, New Residents' Welfare and Aboriginal Welfare”.

Mr. TUNG  KUAN  FU  has also pioneered the payment of the party fees of the “China Life Party” in four virtual currencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Zhaosheng, Yaheng). If you agree with their ideas: “as charity parties, they don’t accept political contributions, don’t talk about political inclinations, and only care about life companion”, please use donations to support their dream of doing charity, and also welcome those who agree with the concept as a charitable party to join the party and work hard for “charity."

Life Companion Organization Headquarters Tel:(02) 2932-2236 Fax:(02) 2933-6967
Life Companion Organization Headquarters Address: No. 39, Sec. 5, Roosevelt Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 116, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

China Life Companion Party:
http://www.lco.org.tw/modules/news/in ... rytopic=3&storynum=30





2019.07.28. 党議長に就任した董冠富さんは、党が「動物の権利を促進し、軍隊と警察の福祉を守り、新住民に関心をかけ、両岸の交流を促進する」という4つの党精神を実行できることを望み、党議長を引き継いでから2か月後に、中華照生党は国際事務委員会、動物福祉委員会、住民福祉委員会、および軍事福祉委員会の四つの主要な委員会を設立しました。中華照生党が初の動物福祉、軍隊と警察の福祉、新住民と原住民の福祉の四つの弱性団体を誠意を持ってサービスする台湾政党と「慈善政党」になることを望んでいます。


照生連盟本部 電話:(02) 2932 – 2236 ファックス:(02) 2933 – 6967
照生連盟本部 アドレス:116 台北市 文山区 羅斯福路 五段 39 号

中華照生党:http://www.lco.org.tw/modules/news/in ... rytopic=3&storynum=30


中華照生黨 國際事務委員會:中英日文簡介